Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ascultati cu mana pe inima, va rog!:)

Sa va plimb putin prin lume.


melodia asta o am si pe comp si pe mp3 player si pe telefon. O ascult cantata de Eidth Piaf. Fac abstractie de faptul ca e un imn national, imi place la nebunie ca si orice alt cantec. De aia stiu sa cant la fel de bine imnul Frantei cat stiu si Desteapta-te romane:). Ascult melodia destul de des. Va imaginati ce ciudat e cand imi mai ies castile din telefon si rasuna La Marseillaise :) Ce o fi si cu ciudata asta care asculta imnul Frantei la telefon:))


Mie cateodata imi vine sa plang cand aud Desteapta-te romane:)

"And the rockets` red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there"


God Save the Queen se numeste imnul. Ce se va intampla cand William o sa devina rege?:))


Ah! Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles! Ce bine li se potriveste versul asta!:))

The State Anthem of the Russian Federation is an adaptation of the anthem of the Soviet Union of 1944 (...) The lyrics were revised for the anthem of the Russian Federation by Sergey Mikhalkov, who had supplied lyrics for versions of the Soviet anthem in 1943 and 1977. The revision removes any mention of Vladimir Lenin's ideas and the "unbreakable union" of the Soviet state, instead focusing on a country that is vast in area and rich in resources that will be entrusted to future generations.

The hymn was adopted in late 2000 by President Vladimir Putin and replaced The Patriotic Song, which had been the official anthem from 1990. (source: wikipedia)
Nu vi se pare putin ciudat ca Putin a reintrodus ca imn, o adaptare a imnului sovietic? :P

"Gloria a la patria que supo seguir sobre el azul del mar, el caminar del sol."


Fratelli di italia :)))Pana si imnul lor are un nume glumet parca. Versurile nu sunt insa: Siam pronti alla morte/ L'Italia chiamo!"

Cel mai vechi imn din lume!
William of Nassau am I, of dutch blood ....
A prince of Orange/ I am free and fearless.

Belgia - in doua limbi, bineinteles:) va dau si versurile in franceza si engleza luate de pe aceeasi pagina de youtube ca si videoul.
La Brabançonne

O Belgique, ô mère chérie,
A toi nos cœurs, à toi nos bras,
A toi notre sang, ô Patrie !
Nous le jurons tous, tu vivras !
Tu vivras toujours grande et belle
Et ton invincible unité
Aura pour devise immortelle :
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté !
Aura pour devise immortelle :
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté !
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté !
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté !

Official Flemish Lyrics

U brengen wij onze liefd(e) en ons vertrouwen,
o dierbaar volk, o dierbaar land.
De vaad'ren trouw, zullen wij de toekomst bouwen,
in vreugd' en nood is ons hart U verpand.
Groei en bloei tot heil der geslachten.
Wij reiken elkaar de broederhand
en wijden de vrome gedachten
aan Vrijheid, Vorst en Vaderland.
En wijden de vrome gedachten
aan Vrijheid, Vorst en Vaderland.
Aan Vrijheid, Vorst en Vaderland.
Aan Vrijheid, Vorst en Vaderland.

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